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This month, we gather power to empower, create a win-win situation!

"Start is the decisive battle, start is the sprint. From January to February, ChanghongIT adheres to the new brand proposition of "being a digital intelligent value partner";, anchors the goal, works hard, actively embraces the new trend of digital intelligence, explores new marketing and new channels, and connects partners to make concerted efforts to meet the opening!

The official announced new friends

1. Wiza Semiconductor

ChanghongIT signed WIZ Semiconductor to become a national agent, and will be the agent of HV MOSFET, LV MOSFET, IGBT and other products, to help WIZ Semiconductor vigorously explore new markets, cover more high-quality enterprise customers, and join hands with partners to share the "core" future.

2. Youdao

ChanghongIT and Youdao signed a strategic cooperation agreement, and the two sides will give full play to their respective advantages, continue to expand the business scope and industry market, so that more users can understand and experience the intelligent learning hardware such as Youdao Dictionary pen and Listening Bao, and master new ways of efficient learning.

3. Innoseco

Recently, ChanghongIT has become the national distributor of Innosec, and Innosec works together to win the device application market. Innosecco is a company committed to the manufacturing of third-generation semiconductor silicon-based gallium nitride chips, and will rely on ChanghongIT's channel advantages and marketing strength to extend to more industry scenarios.


ChanghongIT signed a contract with Syniverse and became the general agent of Syniverse Asia Pacific region, fully helping the promotion and application of Syniverse mobile services and solutions in the Asia Pacific region, connecting and empowering ecological partners to build a new bridge of communication.

5. Intelligent Education

At the beginning of the New Year, ChanghongIT and Zhilai Education officially reached a strategic cooperation, and the two sides will give full play to their respective advantages, with virtual simulation and twin digital VR technology, to provide support and solutions for the creation of education meta-universe. At the same time, continue to deepen the integration of production and education, accurate docking, dynamic matching, and service teaching, employment, scientific research and innovation.

6. A thousand images in one corner

ChanghongIT and Yiyu Qianxiang signed a strategic cooperation agreement, and the two sides announced the formal establishment of a comprehensive channel strategic partnership. ChanghongIT is a full-line agent of naked eye 3D fully immersive mixed reality interactive space products, helping to expand to a wider range of application scenarios, and better provide customers with supporting services and industry solutions.

New awards, new style

7.2022 Sichuan Province Integrity Demonstration Enterprise

Sichuan Market Economy Integrity Construction Promotion Association organized the "Sichuan Province Enterprise Integrity Demonstration Activity". ChanghongIT and its two subsidiaries won the title of "Integrity Demonstration Enterprise" in the selection activity by virtue of their integrity management and perfect service. Among them, Sichuan ChanghongIT Digital Technology Co., Ltd. won the title of "the most influential Integrity Demonstration Enterprise in Sichuan Province".

8. Tencent Conference 2022 Outstanding Partner

At the beginning of the year, the 2023 Tencent Conference Partner High-level Communication Meeting was held in Shenzhen, and ChanghongIT attended the meeting and won the title of "Tencent Conference 2022 Outstanding Partner". This honor is not only the recognition of the excellent performance of ChanghongIT in Tencent's business development in 2022, but also the testimony of ChanghongIT's quality service level. In the future, ChanghongIT will continue to deepen the needs and application scenarios of enterprises, continue to aggregate high-quality resources, enhance digital and intelligent core capabilities, and provide more partners and customers with high-value digital intelligent services.

9.2022 Annual integrity and quality enterprise

Recently, the CPC Mianyang Science and Technology City New Area Working Committee and Mianyang Science and Technology City New Area Management Committee commended the enterprises with outstanding economic performance in 2022, and ChanghongIT made positive contributions to the high-quality leapfrog development of the new area, and was awarded the "2022 Annual Integrity and Quality Enterprise".

With the best friend score new

10. ChanghongIT x Tencent Conference

ChanghongIT joint Tencent conference, online organization of "meeting new possibilities - Tencent conference manufacturing industry live broadcast", technical experts from both sides combined with the manufacturing industry pain points, with a huge user operating base, diversified experience effect, comprehensive security coverage, open and compatible deployment mode, in seven scenarios to provide targeted solutions.

11. ChanghongIT x HTC VIVE

HTC global vice president, global business general manager Huang Zhaoying, ChanghongIT executive vice president Han Yaozhou and other personnel from both sides jointly attended the meeting, and signed the exclusive distribution agreement of new products, and the strategic cooperation was upgraded. The two sides will work together to accelerate ecological innovation in the meta-universe by strengthening resource investment and the docking of advantages.

12. ChanghongIT x Huawei

Recently, the 2022 ChanghongIT Huawei Partner Appreciation Meeting hosted by ChanghongIT and Huawei was held in Sanya. The theme of this conference is "Forging ahead and creating Good Results with our partners", which aims to thank our partners for their trust and support for ChanghongIT in the past year, and also provides a platform for exchanges for partners to jointly discuss the development plan in 2023 and draw a new blueprint for the digital industry ecology.

13. ChanghongIT x AWS

In order to strengthen the ability of Suzhou enterprises to expand cross-border e-commerce business, Suzhou International Chamber of Commerce, Suzhou General Chamber of Commerce and cross-border e-commerce Association and other units, recently jointly held cross-border e-commerce business enabling activities, ChanghongIT and AWS jointly created the "MCC manufacturing Internet platform" at the meeting. Through the speech, he shared the platform enabling logic and industrial belt project cooperation framework with the guests. In the future, the MCC platform will rely on its own core advantages and comprehensive service capabilities to fully empower China's industrial belt to the sea.

Group dynamics

14. Changhong laser display technology was selected as the experience center

The office of Sichuan Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology officially announced the "List of Sichuan Information Consumption Experience Centers in 2022", and Changhong's immersive cultural experience center based on laser display technology is listed among them. The four-sided immersive experience area, rear-projection immersive experience area, spherical curtain naked eye 3D experience area, three-dimensional computer graphics technology, sensing technology, etc., let visitors feel the ultra-large size, ultra-high definition, ultra-true color laser display to bring new vitality of light and shadow art creativity and wide application.

15. Changhong becomes the "focus" of CCTV again

CCTV "Focus Interview" focuses on the ultra HD industry, Changhong and other Chinese enterprises jointly, make up for the short "forge the long", and seek the innovation and development of the ultra HD industry. As the leader of ultra HD, Changhong is promoting the popularity of 8K hardware and software from the whole industry chain. Through the integration of all links of the industrial chain, Changhong has formed a full link true 8K complete program, starting from 8K screen, 8K core, 8K content, 8K transmission and other key links, research and development of a series of 8K new products, for more users to open the high fresh vision.

16. Changhong access Baidu Wenxin word ability

Recently, Changhong announced to become the first ecological partner of Baidu Wenxinyi (English name: ERNIE Bot). Next, Changhong will apply Baidu's leading intelligent dialogue technology achievements in 8K video and other fields. This move marks the priority of Changhong 8K TV to obtain the blessing of leading AI technology, and also means the further exploration of conversational language model technology in the domestic intelligent perception interaction scene.

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