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Government and enterprise smart campus construction plan
Based on domestic hardware products and operating systems, a fully localized integrated teaching, research and office platform is constructed to solve the problem of Party school informatization.
Scheme Consultation
Based on domestic hardware products and operating systems, the project constructs a fully localized integrated teaching and research and office platform. From the operating system, database, middleware, server to firewall, etc. all use domestic products, which not only solves the problem of Party school informatization, but also guarantees the information security of the country, and promotes the development of the industrial chain of domestic hardware and software, providing an example for the localization of the information platform of Party school.
In terms of the construction framework, the whole is divided into four parts: business subsystem, ICT infrastructure, digital enabling platform and front-end application.
The design of the whole platform adopts an open architecture, and the terminal subsystem can meet the requirements of expansion or new construction of different terminals/subsystems in the future, and achieve on-demand access.
The overall design idea of the campus is around the "1+1+1" architecture, that is, a unified ICT infrastructure layer, a digital enabling platform and a suite of campus applications. Following the idea of the Internet of everything, people, vehicles and objects on campus are connected through sensors or subsystems to form ubiquitous perceptual information and gather all data on campus. In addition, considering the integration of campus and external urban resources, the campus Internet of Things and communication network consider the interconnection with the urban Internet of things and the urban communication network in the initial stage of construction. Finally realize resource integration, data integration and service integration.
Construction framework
Solution advantages and user benefits
Successful case
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