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GAD hypermetro storage cluster
Active-active storage, load balancing, improve efficiency, device fault services still run uninterrupted
Scheme Consultation
The gold standard for business continuity - the active-active data center
The active-active data center solution makes high availability simple and automated to ensure the continuous operation of the most critical data and applications. This feature allows you to keep read/write copies of the same data in two places at the same time. The active-active design enables cross-mirroring of storage volumes between two storage systems. The two storage systems can accept read/write I/O operations on both ends at the same time and continuously update them. If the disk control cabinet at one site fails, the control cabinet at the other site automatically takes over and continues to accept read/write I/O operations. The active-active data center solution ensures that the latest storage volumes are always available and supports production workloads on both systems, while maintaining complete data consistency and data protection capabilities.
Ensure the continuous operation of services
For many mission-critical applications, any failure that interferes with data access will result in an application outage and may require a manual failover to switch to a disaster recovery center. GAD can now provide active-active extended clusters both locally and in the same city. Multipath software allows applications to access replicated data from the shortest path for maximum performance. Applications can avoid failover by being able to access a second copy of data either locally or across sites in the same city. This enables high availability and continuous operation, enabling you to access data at all times to ensure the availability and integrity of business-critical applications.
Program advantage
RTO < 1 minute
Automatic system switching
No manual scripting
Automatic switching of storage judgment
The disaster recovery center is always available
Low management operation difficulty
Take advantage of two data centers
Simple architecture, few points of failure
Scheme value
Hard and soft work together
Hard and soft work together
Active-active storage and load balancing improve storage capability and efficiency
Supports all service systems
Supports all service systems
When any node is faulty, the system automatically switches over the node without affecting services
Supports hypermetro within 500 km
Supports hypermetro within 500 km
I/O Local read and write, ensuring optimal application performance
Automated sustainable cloud architecture
Automated sustainable cloud architecture
Simple architecture, fewer points of failure, no additional software, tools required
Architecture of the active-active data center solution
VSP 5000 Series high-end storage
The VSP 5000 Series storage solution delivers up to 33 million IOPS. The combination of NVMe and SAS flash can minimize the cost per GB, and the capacity can reach up to 69PB. MORE
The VSP 5000 Series storage solution delivers up to 33 million IOPS. The combination of NVMe and SAS flash can minimize the cost per GB, and the capacity can reach up to 69PB. Hide
Product Consultation
VSP G series mid-range hybrid flash storage
Accelerate IT delivery with predictable pricing, robust management, and a proven storage infrastructure. Reduce risks and save costs. Delivers the performance and agility required today and can be expanded to meet future needs. MORE
Accelerate IT delivery with predictable pricing, robust management, and a proven storage infrastructure. Reduce risks and save costs. Delivers the performance and agility required today and can be expanded to meet future needs. Hide
Product Consultation
VSP E Series NVMe enterprise storage
The Virtual Storage Platform E family of products provides you with agile, automated data center solutions. These systems enable you to cost-effectively meet users' current digital expectations and allow them to meet future challenges as their applic... MORE
The Virtual Storage Platform E family of products provides you with agile, automated data center solutions. These systems enable you to cost-effectively meet users' current digital expectations and allow them to meet future challenges as their applic... Hide
Product Consultation
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