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Next-generation design and manufacturing solutions for digital twin technology
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NX Software
NX delivers innovative, high-quality products using integrated software solutions designed and manufactured.
Program, simulate and connect component manufacturing processes using integrated software systems, including CNC machining, robotics, 3D prin...
Scheme value
Shorten product design cycle
Shorten product design cycle
Accelerate time-to-market by reducing rework and prototyping with integrated NX CAD products.
Reduce delivery time
Reduce delivery time
NX's integrated design and manufacturing capabilities help companies meet tight deadlines.
Complete in one step
Complete in one step
NX manufacturing solutions help companies improve their KPIs and sustainability capabilities.
Nc programming CAD
Accelerate part model preparation: With synchronous technology to directly edit 3D part models ready for NC programming, these advanced design tools create efficient tool tracks for machining high-quality parts.
Drive manufacturing processes with PMI: Capture component manufacturing requirements using product and manufacturing information (PMI), such as geometric dimensions and tolerances (GD&T), surface finish, and material specifications.
Take advantage of fully integrated CAD tools: Fast part preparation and programming with the latest CAD technology in NX, including: Read, repair, and modify CAD data, design workpieces, billets, and jigs using solid and surface modeling, build standard component libraries for reuse, create associated engineering drawings using drawing capabilities, and define job Settings using assembly and kinematics capabilities.
Connect manufacturing with model-driven processes: Link all functions to a single part model definition - from CAD and CAM to CNC machining and quality inspection - to facilitate parallel manufacturing. Relevance makes it easy to process engineering change orders (ECOs), ensuring you're using the right data in production.
Additive manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing Design: A high-quality additive manufacturing process begins with design. Additive manufacturing has features such as optimized surfaces and lattice structures that allow for the manufacture of highly complex designs. Our additive manufacturing solutions enable you to design and print complex geometric shapes at scale.
Print preparation: High-quality, efficient output for the AM process requires the correct setup. NX's integrated fabrication tools assist with part placement, orientation, and support in pallets in an efficient manner.
Build simulation: The simulation of the build process can help you generate high-quality 3D prints at scale. From build direction optimization to mesoscale deposition path optimization, NX has all the tools to help you print in one go.
Machine connectivity: Use Siemens NX to connect to a wide range of 3D printing hardware, some of the systems covered include flat powder bed systems, filament deposition systems, multi-material systems and multi-axis systems.
Component quality control
CMM inspection programming: Take advantage of advanced features in NX software to automatically generate and accurately simulate inspection paths. Program recent inspection methods with minimal input by using part geometry and embedded product and manufacturing information (PMI).
Inspection data analysis: Monitor part quality by comparing finished measurements with designed 3D geometry. Visually display measurement results in NX and perform analysis in the context of a digital part model.
Inspection program execution: Consistent and accurate process inspection and measurement data analysis of manufactured parts using CMM equipment and CNC machine tools that can perform inspection at any time. The closed-loop component quality control process helps you deliver precision components that meet stringent requirements for quality and dimensional accuracy.
Robot programming
Expanded functionality through robotic processing: Robots are programmed to process large parts, thereby expanding the range of workpieces to be processed. Robots help you automate machining tasks that would normally be done manually.
Programming robot pick and place operations: Use robots to perform pick and place tasks, including machine management and tool loading, for greater automation of component manufacturing operations.
Automate complete production work units with robots: Increase shop floor productivity by automating work units. Modernize production with advanced robotics and CNC technology to reduce costs and delivery times.
NX Software
NX is a flexible, powerful software that helps you deliver your products faster and better with next-generation design and manufacturing solutions using digital twin technology. MORE
NX is a flexible, powerful software that helps you deliver your products faster and better with next-generation design and manufacturing solutions using digital twin technology. Hide
Product Consultation
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