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Changhong storage tape library and continuous technology file archiving solution
Changhong Storage and archiving solutions, combined with connected technology file cloud products, adopt advanced life cycle management strategies, which can automatically layer data on different media according to the activity, importance and compli...
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Data is stored tiered throughout its life cycle
As a leading file cloud solution provider in the industry, Continuous Technology has launched a file security management platform solution for the medical industry in response to the complex and changing file management needs of the medical industry....
Cold media archiving
Changhong tape library is a special emphasis on the application of cold media storage, supporting a large number of infrequently accessed but still need to retain long-term data archived to the tape library. This medium has extremely low energy consumption characteristics and long-term stable physical preservation performance, effectively reducing the overall energy consumption of data centers, and meets the green and low-carbon requirements for enterprise IT infrastructure under the goal of carbon neutrality.
Cross-platform data archiving support
In order to meet the diversified IT environment, the file archiving solution has a wide range of terminal compatibility, including Linux, Mac, Windows and other operating system platforms to support data archiving. No matter what terminal device an enterprise uses, it can seamlessly connect to the archiving system to ensure unified and effective management of data across the enterprise.
Multiple cold media storage devices are integrated
Not only supports tape libraries, Changhong storage devices are also compatible with a variety of mainstream cold media storage devices on the market, providing enterprises with flexible hardware selection space. Enterprises can select a suitable cold storage solution based on their own requirements and existing devices to achieve cost-effective and highly compatible deployment of data archiving.
Economic benefits and successful cases
Data file archiving solutions have shown strong energy saving and economic benefits in practice. Some enterprises have successfully archived and saved up to 100PB level of data by using this solution, which not only significantly reduced storage costs, but also saved tens of millions of operating expenses. These success stories strongly demonstrate that the solution can actually create economic benefits for enterprises while helping them achieve carbon neutrality.
With comprehensive data lifecycle management, cold media archiving technology, cross-platform compatibility, and abundant cold storage device support, the cloud archiving solution provides enterprises with a one-stop green, energy-saving, and economical file archiving solution. In the context of carbon neutrality, this solution undoubtedly provides a strong technical support for the green transformation of enterprise IT systems, helping enterprises to realize sustainable business development while practicing social responsibility.
Solution diagram
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